2021-2022 COVID Guidelines
New Haven United Methodist Preschool
Isolation: Infected person must stay home for 10 days from their onset of symptoms. If asymptomatic they must be tested on day 5 (following positive test)
The child must have a test on day 5 to return on day 6 because the ages of the children in our facility DOES NOT allow them to come back and strictly where a mask for days 6-10.
If symptomatic, they must stay out for ten days due to our inability to mask.
Quarantine: A person who has been identified as a close contact to an infected person
If person is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated:
Must stay home for 5 days after last day of exposure to a positive case.
May return to school/daycare on day 6 with a NEGATIVE test on day 5. (if you do not want your child tested, they must stay out 10 days)
If the child is exposed to a caregiver in the household that tests positive, their 5 day quarantine will NOT begin until the caregiver’s 10 day quarantine is up.
If symptoms develop, get tested and stay home. If positive follow isolation guidance. If negative, return when symptoms are resolved.
*We understand that this is a stressful and difficult time for everyone, please work with us as we continue to try and provide the safest, most healthy environment for our kids and staff.